Just off the coast of Cartagena lies the Rosario Islands. An archipelago of 28 small islands surrounded by turquoise waters that look like something straight out of a postcard. Spending a day on one of these paradise-like islands, splashing in the warm Caribbean waters, sounded like the perfect way to end my three days in Cartagena. In this post, I’ll share which Rosario Island I chose to visit and give you a glimpse into what my Islabela day trip was like.

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Which Rosario Island to visit?

In recent years, Cartagena has become a major tourist hotspot, attracting both locals and international visitors to the Rosario Islands every day. Unfortunately, this has taken away some of the idyllic charm that these paradise islands once had. For example, Isla Bar̼, with its famous Playa Blanca, is known to be overcrowded Рsomething I had read multiple times online. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck on a crowded beach, constantly approached by vendors, and fighting for space in the water between boats and other swimmers.

The only way to truly experience the Rosario Islands in peace, without the overwhelming crowds, is by booking a day trip to one of the smaller resorts on the islands. After doing some research, I chose a day trip to Islabela Resort on Isla Marina. And I couldn’t have been happier with my decision. It was the perfect day trip from Cartagena!

Islabela Day Trip from Cartagena

Boat Ride & Warm Welcome

With my packed beach bag in hand, I weaved through the bustling crowd at Cartagena’s harbor, eventually finding the spot where our boat would pick up the day-trippers heading to the Islabela Resort. While I had noticed that Colombians generally have a slightly chaotic way of organizing things during my travels, I was pleasantly surprised by how well-coordinated this trip to the Rosario Islands was. Upon arrival at the harbor, all Islabela guests were given a blue wristband. Then we were able to choose between three different meal options for lunch (fish, chicken, or pasta with vegetables). Once everyone boarded the boat and put on their life jackets, we received a brief safety briefing before setting off for a 50-minute ride to the island.

As we arrived at the dock of the Islabela Resort, the entire team greeted us in unison with bright smiles and a cheerful “Bienvenidos a Islabela!” After stepping off the boat, we were handed a non-alcoholic cocktail and guided to the small beach. There, each of us was assigned a personal beach lounger, complete with a name tag, a towel, and a drink menu waiting for us. A short while later, I dove into the turquoise waters, which were as warm as bathwater. A slight relief from the heat of the day.

Activities & Lunch on the Islabela Day Trip

I spent most of the day swimming, reading, and lazily lounging on the beach chair. For those who want to be a bit more active, there are options to book a snorkeling tour or rent a kayak. You can even book a massage right on the beach. The lunch is delicious. And you can order drinks or snacks to your lounger at any time. You can pay these in cash or by card). Around 3 p.m., we packed up our belongings and got back on the boat. The sun was blazing high in the sky, and everyone looked eager for a cool shower. For me, it was the perfect day trip from Cartagena! An ideal way to visit the Rosario Islands without experiencing mass tourism.

So, are the Rosario Islands worth it?

After spending a day at the Islabela Resort on Isla Marina, I’d say yes – under the right conditions. If you’re looking for a peaceful escape, the key is choosing one of the smaller resorts, like Islabela, to avoid the crowded, over-touristed spots like Playa Blanca on Isla Barú. The clear, turquoise water and relaxed atmosphere made for a perfect day of swimming, lounging, and soaking in the beauty of Colombia. Though mass tourism has somewhat impacted the islands, with a bit of planning, you can still enjoy a serene experience. For me, visiting the Rosario Islands was absolutely worth it!

Book Your Islabela Day Trip in Advance to Save Your Spot

Other Options of Visiting the Rosario Islands from Cartagena

Don’t forget to save this post for your Islabela day trip from Cartagena!

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